Understand better to help better

dealing with pupil behavioural challenges in 2015-2016


Project "Understand better to help better - dealing with pupil behavioural chellenges in 2015-2016" is being carried out by ZSTiL in Czechowice-Dziedzice.

The project is co–financed by the European Union under the ERASMUS+ program.

The project’s objectives

The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of the school’s work and develop international co-operation of our school. The execution of the project will enable our teaching staff to develop their educational and tutorial competences thus leading to better care being given to out students; the care tailored to the needs of the contemporary teenager and corresponding with the latest knowledge about young people’s behaviour.

The duration and the addressees of the project

The project is going to last from 1st June 2015 to 31st May 2016.
A dozen or so experienced employees from the school , both teachers as well as psychologists, are to take part in the project.

The planned project activities

    The execution of the project is divided into several stages:
  • recruitment of the participants,
  • the participants’ attendance in both language and cultural trainings in Poland,
  • the participants taking part in an online e Twinning course,
  • taking part in a theme course "Teenagers with Behaviour Disorders or Bad Boys?" in Italy,
  • job shadowing in the secondary school in Italy,
  • actions promoting the results of the project.